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The recent ITV comedy-drama Finding Alice told the story of a woman called Alice, who had recently lost her partner, Harry, in a tragic accident in their home. Through the twists in the story and brief moments of humour, as a viewer, we discovered about how Alice struggled to deal with Harry’s affairs after his…
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Testamentary Capacity – who holds the burden of proof and is the current 150-year old test outdated? Last year, Susan Bond successfully overturned her mother’s Will which left her entire estate to her son, John Clitheroe, on the grounds that she lacked testamentary capacity to make a Will. John Clitheroe is now appealing to the…
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Judgment: On 26 March 2021, the Supreme Court upheld a ruling, made by an Employment Tribunal in 2016, that Asda retail staff can compare themselves to warehouse distribution workers in their battle for equal pay. The decision is the first stage in a case that could lead to a multi-million pound claim for compensation and an increase in pay for shop workers. Over 40,000 Asda shop workers have joined the claim. The case…
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Two major property developers, Taylor Wimpey and Countryside, have been ordered by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) to remove unfair contract terms that require leaseholders to pay ground rent that doubles every 10 to 15 years. In their press release on 19th March 2021, the CMA have confirmed that they have written to Taylor…
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Care providers who require staff to carry out ‘sleep-in’ shifts will breathe a sigh of relief after receiving the Supreme Court’s long awaited decision in Royal Mencap Society v Tomlinson-Blake, finding in favour of Mencap. Judgment was handed down last Friday, 19 March 2021. Judgment: The judges of the Supreme Court made a unanimous decision…
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Chancellor Rishi Sunak this week announced a £280 billion budget to be used to support and help protect families, businesses and jobs impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. This was never going to be an easy budget to balance. On one hand there is the need to revitalise a stagnant economy, with the Chancellor confirming that…
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As COVID-19 vaccinations are rolled out through the NHS’ mass vaccination programme, employers are considering whether they can make it mandatory for employees to have the vaccination. Whilst employers have a duty of reasonable care towards the health and safety of their staff, currently this only extends to encouraging them to accept a vaccination in…
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The much anticipated Supreme Court decision has today (Friday 19th February 2021) been issued in the case of Uber v Aslam, reaffirming the recent land mark decision that Uber drivers are in fact ‘workers’. This case has been rumbling on since 2016 when James Farrar and Yaseen Aslam won an Employment Tribunal against Uber, only…
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As the UK is in the grip of another national lockdown following the emergence of the Coronavirus / Covid 19 pandemic, many of us are increasingly purchasing goods from home, both online and over the phone; however, what if the goods you receive are faulty? With most shops forced to shut their doors until the…
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Covid-19 has not only disrupted the personal lives of many, it has also had an unprecedented and disastrous financial impact on many businesses. This, in turn, has heavily impacted the UK economy. The insurance world has been in, and is likely to remain in, a state of chaos for some time. There has understandably been a…
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