Will, Trust and Estate Disputes Solicitors

Whether you’re challenging the validity of a will, you’re unhappy about the way in which an estate or trust is being administered, or you have not received what you expected from a will or intestacy, our experts can help.




We offer expert advice on:-

  • Claims for reasonable financial provision under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975
  • Will disputes
    • Challenging the validity of a will
    • Challenging the implementation of the will
    • Enforcing the terms of a will
  • Claims to enforce the deceased’s promise – Proprietary estoppel
  • Applications to remove trustees, personal representatives, or executors
  • Claims against trustees, personal representatives, or executors
  • Claims against negligent professionals
  • Caveats and Citations

We work closely with specialist colleagues dealing with probate, wills and the administrations of estates. We also have excellent relationships with medical experts who can give us preliminary views on a person’s capacity, which is invaluable when we’re instructed to challenge or defend the validity of a will on the grounds of capacity or undue influence.

Initial free consultation

We offer a free no obligation initial consultation with one of our specialist team members to help identify what options are available to you.

Costs and Funding

As well as the traditional ‘pay as you go’ method, in appropriate cases we may be willing to act for you on a ‘no win no fee’ basis. If we agree to act on a ‘no win no fee’ basis, we are able to assist you with applying to a disbursement funding scheme. Additionally, we may able to assist you in obtaining alternative litigation funding.

Recent work highlights

– Acting for an adult child with very complex social/medical needs to secure reasonable financial provision from his late father’s estate in circumstances where the child was estranged from his father for most of his adult life.

– Acting for a defendant in a claim brought under the Inheritance (provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975 which resulted in a very favourable settlement for our client.

– Acting for a claimant in a proprietary estoppel claim against a £1.5mil estate relating to farmland.

– Acting for multiple defendants in a claim brought by a disgruntled family member who sought to challenge the validity of a will on the ground that the deceased lacked capacity.

– Bringing a claim on behalf of an executor to remove his co-executor in circumstances where the co-executor refused to administer the estate.

Our team has acted in the following reported claims: