Financial Issues Solicitors
Securing your Finances When a Relationship Breaks Down
When a relationship ends, there are often concerns about financial security. We will analyse your particular circumstances carefully and provide you with clear, objective advice about your position and an appropriate solution for you.
Clean Break Orders & High Value Cases
We are experienced in dealing with all types of settlement from simple ‘clean break’ orders where the financial obligations of the parties to each other are brought to an end, to high value cases often involving farms, large pensions and businesses.
Focused on Best Interests
The court aims to achieve a fair solution and has a wide discretion when reaching decisions. As it is not always possible to predict what a court will decide, we assist clients to seek a negotiated settlement if possible. This is often better than having a settlement imposed upon you by a court which neither party may be happy about.
We also advise as to appropriate levels of maintenance for children and can guide you through the Child Support system.
Our expertise comes from specialists across the firm and covers:
- Pension splitting
- Asset distribution
- Business ownership & director issues
- Equity splitting
- Child maintenance
- Tax advice