The people of Cardiganshire, North Pembrokeshire and Carmarthenshire are being given a chance to air their views on crime and police matters. In a first for the Dyfed-Powys police force area, Red Kite Law is sponsoring a Crime and Policing Hotline event organised by the Cardigan-based Tivyside Advertiser newspaper. Tivyside Editor Sue Lewis has invited…
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Welsh law firm Red Kite Law has once again won the Law Society’s prestigious management ‘quality mark’. The Lexcel quality mark is a cherished benchmark only achieved by some 10 per cent of law firms. “To achieve the standard you have to go through a rigorous accreditation process,” said Red Kite Law partner David Sangster….
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Law firm Red Kite is looking at establishing innovative new partnerships with smaller law firms in West Wales. Red Kite Law is drawing up a feasibility study for a West Wales legal hub, following attempts to establish similar networks in other parts of Wales. “Legal hub networks are a recent innovation in the legal world,”…
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