Wills, Probate & Estates Solicitors in Stonehouse

For most people, the thought of dying and what that means for those who are left behind is something we try to avoid thinking about. However, this approach can lead to even more heartbreak for the family.

Over half of the adult population in the UK do not have a valid Will in place. This means that their loved ones will be required to spend time and money, they may not have immediate access to, on managing your affairs after you have passed away.

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Some people assume that everything they own will simply transfer to their beneficiaries when they die; that is unfortunately, not the reality.

Call: 01453 825 151 or complete online enquiry form

The team at Redkite Solicitors Stonehouse is both skilled and approachable. Our service is highly personal and tailored to our client’s specific needs. Where clients aren’t able to visit our offices, we can do home or hospital visits. We can advise you on:

  • Wills
  • Probate
  • Lasting Powers of Attorney (both Financial and Health & Welfare)
  • Codicils (additions to an existing Will)
  • Court of Protection Deputyship
  • Estate Administration