Wills, Probates & Estates Solicitors in Stroud
It is difficult to imagine what life would be like after you have passed and, understandably, most of us try not to think about it. However, leaving a valid legal will is essential. Not leaving one in place can make an upsetting situation, for your family, much more difficult and troubling for the loved ones we leave behind. It could cost them a lot of money and stress.
To guarantee that your affairs are left exactly as you wish and that your loved ones are cared for, it is important that you take suitable legal advice to plan and submit a Will detailing your wishes for your family after your death.
Over half of the UK’s adult population do not have a Will. That means their loved ones will be forced to spend time and money to sort out their affairs, after they have passed away. Some people think that when they pass, all they own will automatically pass to their next kin, but that’s not the case!
Why choose Redkite Solicitors?
Our specialist Wills & Probate team feel that a little planning can go a long way. You will have peace of mind with our dedicated support, knowing that your wishes after death will be met in accordance with your instructions, your loved ones will receive exactly what you want them to have.
It is imperative that you find time to sit with a solicitor to write a legally binding Will. When a person passes away without having given specific instructions and plans, relatives have to deal with both the bereavement’s distress, as well as with legal issues. No-one wants their loved ones to grieve and at the same time have to handle turmoil and severe financial stresses.
For more than a century, we have helped individuals write their Wills and prepare for their futures. Between a few thousand pounds to millions of pounds, stocks, shares and vast property portfolios, we’ve dealt with every scenario and every form of an estate. Our dedicated team have the expertise to write a Will that clearly sets out your wishes and is legally binding.
Redkite Solicitors Stroud team are both helpful and professional. Our service is extremely personable. If you cannot attend our offices, we will arrange for visits to your home or hospital.
We can advise you on:
- Wills
- Probate
- Lasting Powers of Attorney (both Financial and Health & Welfare)
- Codicils (additions to an existing Will)
- Court of Protection Deputyship
- Estate Administration
Contact us now and talk to one of our specialist Wills and Probate solicitors who can advise you on the best way forward.
Call 01453 763 433 or complete online enquiry form.
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Wills, Probates and Estate