Will Aid

November is Will Aid month – find out more

Will Aid is an annual fundraising campaign involving nine of the UK’s leading charities. With the support of solicitors who donate their skills, the charity encourages people to have their Will drawn up by a professional solicitor while supporting the charity.

We are participating in the Will Aid scheme this year in our Swansea branch. To book your appointment or learn more about making a Will through Will Aid, please visit: https://www.willaid.org.uk/

Tax Planning & Trusts Solicitors in Swansea

It is vitally important that you take the time to contact a solicitor to make the necessary preparations for those you love, and draw up a legally binding Will.  One that clearly states; what you wish to happen to your assets, who you want your beneficiaries to be, when you pass away.  You may already have a Will in place, but you may not have considered the possible tax implications your loved ones may encounter after you have gone.

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At Redkite Solicitors Swansea, we understand how important it is for your estate to be distributed as per your wishes. Our hard-working tax and trust solicitors are here to help steer you through tax planning and trusts, allowing you to pass on your inheritance to your loved ones in the most straight forward and cost-effective way possible.

Contact us today by calling 01792 892 166 to talk to a member of our Tax and Trust team.

Why choose our Tax and Trusts Solicitors?

We appreciate that every client is unique. Each individual has their own specific concerns and obligations. We do not simply apply the same approach to every case. Instead, we take the time to understand your circumstances and produce a bespoke solution to meet your needs.

Our primary goal is to defend the assets you have worked so hard for and to help you make preparations for the people you leave behind. This is accomplished with clear and direct communication and making the process simple to comprehend.