Will Aid

November is Will Aid month – find out more

Will Aid is an annual fundraising campaign involving nine of the UK’s leading charities. With the support of solicitors who donate their skills, the charity encourages people to have their Will drawn up by a professional solicitor while supporting the charity.

We are participating in the Will Aid scheme this year in our Swansea branch. To book your appointment or learn more about making a Will through Will Aid, please visit: https://www.willaid.org.uk/

Corporate and Commercial Solicitors in Swansea

As a business owner, your priority is to drive profits and improve your company, whilst guaranteeing that you and your business is protected. At Redkite Solicitors, our corporate and commercial team offers strategic advice that is constructive and, most importantly, cost-effective. Our goal is to bring you business strategies that have been carefully planned and customised to suit your unique needs. We are proud of our in-depth knowledge of the business needs of our clients, enabling them to develop and succeed in a competitive world. As your committed commercial law solicitors, our priority is to help you reach your goals.

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Redkite Solicitors in Swansea have been proudly helping businesses across Wales and England for over 100 years. Our corporate and commercial team can assist you with commercial legal issues with ease, whatever industry you work in.

Why you should choose Redkite Solicitors for corporate and commercial law?

Whether you are starting a business, considering the acquisition of another business or require ongoing support, our specialist commercial law solicitors in Swansea are both approachable and adaptable.

Our specialist advisors will aim to build a strong working relationship with you, and will take time to get to know you and your business to fully understand your unique requirements and objectives.